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The ‘Healthy People 2030’ Report

Feb 15, 2022
The ‘Healthy People 2030’ Report
by U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services ( put out its most recent set of objectives. The ‘Healthy People 2030’ report, “sets data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade.”

Under Preventive Care the goal outlined is to help people get recommended preventive health care services.

Getting preventive care reduces the risk for diseases, disabilities, and death — yet millions of people in the United States don’t get recommended preventive health care services. Healthy People 2030 focuses on increasing preventive care for people of all ages.

Children need regular well-child and dental visits to track their development and find health problems early, when they’re usually easier to treat. Services like screenings, dental check-ups, and vaccinations are key to keeping people of all ages healthy. But for a variety of reasons, many people don’t get the preventive care they need. Barriers include cost, not having a primary care provider, living too far from providers, and lack of awareness about recommended preventive services.

Teaching people about the importance of preventive care is key to making sure more people get recommended services. Law and policy changes can also help more people access these critical services.

Some of the Preventive Care Objectives include:

Increase the proportion of adults who get screened for lung cancer

Increase the proportion of females who get screened for breast cancer

Increase the proportion of adults who get screened for colorectal cancer

Increase the proportion of females who get screened for cervical cancer

Increase the proportion of older adults who get screened for osteoporosis

You can find out more about these screening services at

For the full objectives list you can go to their page: