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Breast cancer and men: It happens.

Oct 29, 2019
Breast cancer and men: It happens.
We can’t let Breast Cancer Awareness end without talking about breast cancer in men. It happens. Not a lot, but it does. And maybe because the messaging of BCAM is typically woman focused, the fact that roughly 1% of all breast cancer diagnoses each year..

We can’t let Breast Cancer Awareness end without talking about breast cancer in men.

It happens.

Not a lot, but it does. And maybe because the messaging of BCAM is typically woman focused, the fact that roughly 1% of all breast cancer diagnoses each year in the U.S. are men gets overlooked.

Typically, men who develop breast cancer will do so in their 60s, though it can occur at any age. In most cases, breast cancer in men is ductal carcinoma (cancer in the milk ducts).

Unfortunately, because breast cancer is not often looked for, or because men, much like younger women, think it can’t happen to them, by the time it is diagnosed, breast cancer in men can be more advanced, making it difficult to treat.

Additionally, because men typically have less breast tissue, physical symptoms that can be felt are harder to notice.

Despite these challenges, it is important to know your body and become familiar with what feels “normal” to you.

Breast self-exam – for him

We’re not here to sell body wash, so we aren’t going to turn this blue and give it some crazy name, like “He-MAN Warrior Exam”. Breast cancer is breast cancer and the symptoms and treatments are the same for men and women.

If you aren’t currently, start doing a monthly self-breast exam, so you know what your chest should feel like. The more familiar you are, the more likely you will be to notice when something changes. If you don’t know how to do a self-breast exam, go here for a step-by-step guide.

Not sure what you’re looking for? We have a round-up of common breast cancer symptoms here.

The most important thing to remember is this: If you notice something different for YOUR body, make an appointment to see your healthcare provider to get it checked out.

Early detection is the best weapon against breast cancer. For everyone.